
Orthodontics is concerned with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of improper bites resulting from tooth irregularity and improper jaw relationships. Braces are customized appliances used to correct these problems. Crooked or overcrowded teeth can cause a variety of difficulties, including tooth decay, gum disease and damage to jaw joints.

An orthodontic treatment can change your face shape and smile which in turn translates  into an improved self-image .

Without treatment, orthodontic problems can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, bone destruction, chewing and digestive difficulties, speech impairments, tooth loss and other dental injuries.

At Smiles   different types of  braces are used for a particular treatment , the type for  you  depending on your age , budget, desired length of treatment,  how bad the condition is and your aesthetic requirements.  Dr. Madhav Manoj ,  our friendly orthodontist,  has extensive experience  in this field  and will be able to advise you on your suitability.

Metal braces

Small metal brackets are glued  to the front of the teeth and are joined together with fine metal wires. They are cheap  but aesthetically not so appealing to that of ceramic braces.

Ceramic braces

Instead of the metal attachments, the brackets are replaced by tooth colour , clear ceramic material. Ceramic braces are popular though they are expensive than metal braces.

Lingual Braces

These braces are worn behind the teeth .They have the advantage of being not noticeable  but can be irritant to the tongue. These braces are recommended for some  types of orthodontic corrections.

Clear Path Aligners

This type of proprietary treatment involves wearing a series of nearly invisible, removable, plastic aligners on the teeth. The procedure involves following steps.


Our Specialist doctor will evaluate your teeth and discuss options available for your smile. Once you and your doctor establish that ClearPath aligners is the right treatment option for you, your doctor will take impressions, photos, and x-rays of your teeth for fabricating custom aligners


Smiles sends your records — your impressions, photos, and x-rays — to Clear Path main office for an manufacturing. ClearPath utilizes the records to create 3D models of your teeth. In liasion with Clear Path your doctor maps out a complete treatment plan for you.


Using the latest digital mapping and molding technology, ClearPath creates your custom aligners with computer precision. ClearPath then sends your aligners to Smiles for delivery.


You are advised to wear your aligners all the time, except while eating and drinking or during daily tooth care, such as brushing and flossing.

Your ClearPath aligners are so clear they are barely noticeable so they won’t have an impact on your day to day life. Aligner by aligner, you’ll be able to see the difference as your teeth slowly adjust and align to your target smile.

You must periodically visit Smiles for checkups to see how you’re progressing until you eventually have the great smile you’ve always wanted.

Payment Plans

In order to come up with a payment plans and determine the suitability, we would first need to see you.