Cosmetic Procedures

Treatments that improve the beauty and health of your smile

Cosmetic dentistry is about your appearance – making teeth whiter, straighter or more even, gums that are a healthy rich color and smiles that presents you more!

When any procedure is carried out we make sure that your cosmetic and functional needs are met that helps to create a beautiful smile for you. Unlike plastic surgery, cosmetic dentistry is a chair side procedure.

No pain, no stress, no time taken away from your busy life.

The results of cosmetic procedures are immediate.

At Smiles we use the latest technologies and techniques, to offer you a youthful, attractive, natural looking smile.

Our dental lab is famous for Denture work with a customer base of thousands . We are fully equipped to restore your aging teeth and get back your functional teeth and that glittering smile at any time of your life.

Worried about discoloured, gapped, chipped or missing teeth? Cosmetic dentistry can drastically remove all your worries and give you the smile you want.


Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments



Dental Crowns : These are “caps” used to restore the functionality of a tooth  without removing a potentially bad  teeth such as in the case of a  broken, worn excessively, or else have had large portions destroyed by tooth decay. After treatment   these “caps” will be used to  encase the  damaged  tooth and in in effect becomes the tooth’s new outer surface .

You have the option to select the type of crown you want out of  ceramic  (shades of white ), metal (metal alloys), or a combination of both.

A crown is recommended by Smiles for the purpose of :

  • Covering a tooth  after root canal treatment
  • Restoring a tooth when a filling becomes too large  to accommodate tooth remaining
  • Giving strength to a weak tooth and thereby preventing it from fracturing
  • Receiving a dental bridge
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Covering developmentally deformed tooth



Bridges  will go in place of a missing set of teeth ( gaps created by two or more missing teeth) Should you leave as it is  , the remaining teeth start to move towards these  empty spaces, resulting in a bad bite and a gradual  change  in outward appearance. There is an increased risk for periodontal disease and a greater chance of tooth decay in these gaps.

Our dentists will help you decide the choice of bridge you will need based on the location , its function, your cosmetic needs and upfront your budget.


Dental Implants

A dental implant is a mechanical device  (usually a screw) that is placed into the jaw bone. It acts as a support mechanism  for a false tooth or a set of false teeth. The structure fuses with the jaw bone (osseointegration).

Implants are made of medical grade pure Titanium. Medical grade Titanium is famous for hip replacements and has been in use for many years.

Dental Implants offer several major advantages to patients after tooth loss. The ability to recover the natural appearance and structural strength of teeth is one of the greatest advantages.

  • Renewed ability to chew and speak properly
  • Restoration of facial aesthetics
  • Preservation of remaining jaw bone structure
  • Reduction of possible gum problems and infections
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem as a result of all of the above.



Smiles  dispenses  several home care beaching  products such as tooth pastes , mouth washes  and whitening stripes.

Please consult our dentists for the whitening options suitable to you at Smiles.




A denture is an lab-made appliance that is worn to replace natural teeth.

Dentures are replacements for missing teeth that can be taken out and put back into your mouth specially in senior citizens .

Dentures are prepared  using resin teeth bonded to a plastic base .

You may hear two  dental terms when you visit us regarding dentures .

  1. Full  Denture   usually  for seniors that replaces all  natural teeth.
  2. Partial Denture  is usually held in place by clasps or metal clips that sits around some of the remaining teeth.