Dental Implants

A dental implant is a mechanical device  (usually a screw) that is placed into the jaw bone. It acts as a support mechanism  for a false tooth or a set of false teeth. The structure  fuses with the jaw bone (osseointegration).


Implants are made of medical grade pure Titanium. Medical grade  Titanium is famous for  hip replacements and has been in use  for many years.


Dental Implants offer several major advantages to patients after tooth loss. The ability to recover the natural appearance and  structural strength of teeth is one of the greatest advantages.


  • Renewed ability to chew and speak properly
  • Restoration of facial aesthetics
  • Preservation of remaining jaw bone structure
  • Reduction of possible gum problems and infections
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem as a result of all of the above.

Implants are generally done in 2 Phases:


Surgical phase


This is when the metal structure is placed  inside the jaw bone. The initial implant placement will take around 45 minutes – 3hours . It is usually done under chairside local anesthetic.


It takes about 3-6 months  for the implant to fully integrate and fuse with the bone structure of your jaw. You have the option to have a temporary crown during this phase.


Restorative Phase


This is where the permanent crown (tooth) is placed on the implant(s) after the implant has been fused to the bone.


You can have any number of teeth replaced with implants – from a single tooth to a complete set.


An ideal candidate for an implant  is anyone with missing tooth or teeth, those having trouble eating, talking or speaking due to loss of teeth. This could change your way of life! To make sure that you are eligible just make an appointment with our orthodontist  who will offer you a suitable treatment plan.



Payment Plans


In order to come up with a payment plans and determine the suitability, we would first need to see you.